Congratulations! Part number 857363 Electron Tube with NSN 5960007019073 is now available in stock. You can now get an instant quote for this part. The part is manufactured by Picatinny Arsenal (CAGE Code 19203).
If you want to receive the best quote for this part 857363 with FSC 5960 Electron Tubes and Associated Hardware, please fill out the form with all the necessary details. Do not leave the required fields like Need Parts By and Quantity (ea) blank, as these values help us determine your quote. After submitting the form for part 857363, give us 15 minutes at most, and one of our representatives will get back to you with your quote.
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NSN Unlimited is owned and operated by ASAP Semiconductor, which is one of the leading suppliers of Picatinny Arsenal high-quality aircraft and aviation parts in the US. To date, we have sold more than 100 million parts, and the count keeps increasing every day. We are an AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015 certified, and FAA AC 0056B accredited company, which makes us one of the most preferred suppliers. Our large inventory has over 10 million national stock numbers from more than 26 distinct federal supply code categories.
A National Stock Number (NSN) is a 13-digit code to identify standardized products or items. An NSN parts has a label, which indicates the stocking, procurement, storage, and issuance through the federal supply system. When it comes to the military and defense logistics supply chain, these parts have a vital role to play. This part belongs to the Federal Supply Group 5960 Electron Tubes and Associated Hardware.
For any queries related to the part number 857363, please feel free to get in touch with us at +1-714-705-4780.
Electron Tube
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